Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pat, the Potter

Introducing Pat; she's a well known and liked lady who comes to Wellness to exercise and strengthen her ankle. She was injured in an auto accident, and has had numerous surgeries in the past few years on her foot and ankle. She is progressing well in her exercise program and we are very proud of her efforts.

She has a 'potting shop' at her house, and stays busy making beautiful pottery, which she takes to show, all over.
She has traveled, and lived in other parts of the world, including Turkey.
She is a very interesting lady and we wish her the best.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This is Joe, the Patriarch of Wellness

Introducing Joe, probably one of our lst ones to start with the early birds about 3 1/2 years ago. He is such a regular, that if he is absent, which he seldom is, he gets a call from me to find out if he's ok. He has been known to get into some predicaments with his housekeeping and cooking. He does ok tho, and with his daily exercise routine, his doctor tells him that whatever he's doing; just keep it up, as his health is excellent. His usual parting words are: "Well, guess I'll go fix my hay and water", meaning his cereal and skim milk! He is quite learned about the computer and he loves the photography program. He took my 35mm pictures and digitalized them and scanned them to me, and this is one of them. Joe is an avid reader and sometimes stays up late reading. He was a pilot during WW11, and after the war, he owned his own aerial spraying service. Joe has a lifetime of experiences, and has shared many of them with his friends at the Wellness Center. He recently had his 86th birthday, and we all sang Happy Birthday to him. We are very proud of Joe and would do well to emulate him.
Education is what a man gets when he sits in a room with a group of teenagers.....
A paratrooper is a guy who climbs down trees he never climbed up.
A teacher is a person who use to think he liked children.
A husband is a man who gave up privileges he never knew he had.
May you always have Love to share, Health to spare, and Friends that care.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Heeere's Jean..............

Introducing another regular "early bird" exerciser. Jean is a joy, and we always love seeing her when she joins the other exercisers, to get in shape, lose weight and stay physically and mentally fit, which is what exercise can do for us. We're like a family group and sometimes we don't turn on the TV; we just visit and talk amongst ourselves. It's a fun time for all, and we love Jean and what she brings to our group. She is semi retired and is a nurse part time at the BMH, and Cardiac Rehab. Thanks Jean, for making our day and more importantly, making your day start and end well.

Money isn't everything, but look at how many things it is!

Running into debt isn't so bad, it's running into creditors that hurts.

They may not cure poverty, but the way they are raising taxes, they sure will cure wealth.

Money isn't everything; you get the same results with a checkbook.

Well, back to the old exercise machine..................

Introducing friends from the BMH

The Red Shirts has extended to the hospital staff also. Standing is Fay, and seated is Dawn. Irma usually wears her red shirt too, but today she had on black instead. Aren't they cute? We are so proud of them, and if you go to the hospital, they will surely take good care of you. I happen to be an employee there in the Wellness Center, where they all come to exercise. If I don't see them there, I see them when I clock in and/or out. I love to see their smiling faces and their friendliness makes my day!

A paradox is two doctors
A sadist is a doctor who keeps his stethoscope in the freezer
I don't like money, but it quiets my nerves
A penny saved is ridiculous
Money talks; all I ever hear it say is 'goodbye'
I married for money, and I'm earning every dollar of it!

I'll see ya' in the exercise room "early"!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Hurryer I Try, the Behinder I Get

Introducing Peggy - watch her go! She did take out time to pose for us, and right back to the treadmill! She's a real red-shirted trooper and we love her!

I find myself spending way too much time watching FOX news!! These politics are never-ending! Bash, bash, bash, and they say it's going to get much worse! Poor Hurricane Sarah; they try desperately to chew her up and spit her out, but she has to0 much class to let that get her, and that's what infuriates them. She's everything they're seems they've gotten all the problems of the world solved and this is all they have to do! I don't like political jokes; too many of them get elected! Are they naturally stupid, or are they waiting for brain transplants? The apprentice idiots have to work their way up to a moron. Promote clean air; keep your mouth shut! No one gets too old to learn a new way of being stupid! Living in the past has one advantage - it's cheaper. Income tax is the government's version of instant poverty. Don't over tax yourself, the government will do it for you. They even tax my imagination!!

I can't complain; what can you expect of a day that begins with getting up?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Introducing Pete, a true Patriot, all in red

Well, I don't know how I did it, but finally managed to get a picture on here. Pete has been an 'early bird' for a few weeks, and was told by Ebb, that if he didn't wear a red shirt on Friday, he'd have to pay $5.00 to Jill. Well here he is ALL IN RED!!! He was taking no chances. We got a laugh out of this. Pete is really faithful, and hasn't missed a day of coming to exercise. We are very proud of him. He is now one of the "family" of early birds. The summer months have been rather slow in attendance, what with vacations and etc., but it has now, since school has started, begun to really pick up. Last Friday was a sea of RED in the exercise room, and congratulations to all for showing their support of our troops. See ya' in the exercise room!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah's entrance to the scene is akin to Gustav

I had the privilege of seeing Sarah introduced and she came on like a hurricane - such dynamics, command of attention, and fascination. She is so exciting and 'fresh'; such a total opposite of anything ever to come out of Washington!! I was "blown away" by her, and found myself just breathless for more! She is such a refreshing breath of fresh air, and down to earth frankness. I predict that she can hold her own with anybody and anything!!

I did not intend to get into politics on this Blog, but I can't help but smile!

Remember, I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong!

If a person has no education, he just has to use his brains!

I'd be the first person to admit my faults, if I had any!

Promote clean air; keep your mouth shut!!